Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life is like a box of chocolates Essay

At first glance the quote ‘life is like a box of chocolates seems’ rather silly. How could such a large and complicated concept such as life be compared to something as small and simple as a box of chocolates? There have been two opposing viewpoints in regards to the meaning of this quote, and each viewpoint comes about by a different analysis of what life and chocolates represent as well as what they mean in today’s world. The conclusion to the question can only come about through a thorough examination of the quote itself along with its possible entailments to see what both groups of people deem important and what they choose to ignore. Both arguments seem to work well to counter the other and show the flaws in the other explanation’s theory. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, life is ‘a state, existence, or principle of existence conceived as belonging to the soul.’ Most people, when questioned about life would not have a very clear or concise answer because life is not something that is wholly tangible. In general life is considered to be everything that happens to a person from the moment they are born to the moment they die. All of their interactions with the world and all of their thoughts and actions. There does not seem to be any plan or order to these events, just everything that happens. Everything. Life is a long process with good, bad and indifferent points. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, a box is ‘a container, usually with four stiff sides, a bottom, and a lid to pack or put things in,’ and chocolate is ‘a substance made by roasting and grinding cacao seeds.’ A box of chocolates would logically be a container which holds cacao products. A scientific dissection of a box of chocolates would show a box (usually rectangular or heart shaped) filled with anywhere from one to dozens of small, individually wrapped chocolates. Usually the type of chocolate and the filling of each individual varies inside a given package. In America however, a box of chocolates means much more then this simple addition of definitions and a direct visual analysis would lead one to believe. A box of chocolates, in our referent system, is a symbol. It generally symbolizes  love, and through metonymy, has been made to mean love. When a gift of a box of chocolates is given on Valentine’s Day, it more than symbolizes love, it actually means love. The meanings have become blurred over the years as chocolate has become a standard gift. It is not an original thought to give someone chocolate, but more a means of showing love. Not an act of love, but merely an expression of love. The first group of people generally finish the simile ‘life is like a box of chocolates’ with the conclusion ‘you never know what you’re gonna get.’ This group views all the meanings of life and of the box of chocolates and found the best compilation to be that both in life, and in chocolates, there is randomness and a lack of order. When a person walks out of the front door of his house on a Monday morning, there is no way for him to know if he is going to find a hundred dollar bill tucked under his doormat, or a large meteor that has fallen and crushed his car. It’s hard to know if a day is going to be a good day or a bad day, you just know that it will be a day. The same holds true for eating a box of chocolates. When you open a box of chocolates, there are rows of non-differentiated chocolates. They all look the same, and yet you know some are filled with cream, some with caramel and some with coconut. When you pick one up, much like when the man opens his front door, there is no way of knowing if you will get a good chocolate (cream) or a bad chocolate (coconut), you just know you’ll get a chocolate. For both examples it will not be easy to tell if it was good or bad until the chocolate, or the day, has been completed. You never know what will happen. The second group of people generally finish the simile ‘life is like a box of chocolates’ with the conclusion ‘a thoughtless perfunctory gift that nobody really wants.’ This group takes up an opposing analysis and says that the important part of chocolates is not the randomness of them within the package, but instead the symbol that people don’t really think in life, but instead just perform as they are expected to. Since chocolates have come to mean love, people no longer do creative things to express their love. They simple buy chocolates. Once the chocolates are delivered, then what. People don’t actually want the chocolates, they want the love. Since the chocolates  have assumed the meaning of love, the chocolates themselves go to waste. Who wants to eat their love? Instead of being eaten immediately, as chocolates are truly intended to be, they are showed to friends and relatives, and eventually put on a shelf or in a cabinet. They will get eaten if someone shows desire, but it’s not important. Under this interpretation, life is pointless and merely for show. People don’t do things because it is what they feel that they should, people do things because they are expected to (just as the lover is expected to give chocolate). It is better to put up an lofty facade, then to be true and honest to the people around you.

Deoderent Market in India Essay

Abstract Topic:- Monopoly or monopolistic competition in Deodorant brands? After seeing so many outrageous deodorant advertisements on television we were wondering whether it affects the consumer behavior and we also wanted to find out whether Axe has a monopoly over this market or not. The aim of this assignment is to compare the parent companies of five deodorant brands with the help of ratio analysis. We are going to consider the time period 2007-12. Primary data was collected through a survey which will help us determine what thinking goes behind purchasing a deo between college students and the office going crowd. To conduct the ratio analysis we used secondary data by obtaining the balance sheets of the various companies. The market share and revenues of five major brands- Axe, Adidas, Nivea, Wildstone and Park Avenue will be analyzed. Introduction Monopolistic Competition Monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another as goods but not perfect substitutes (such as from branding, quality, or location). In monopolistic competition, a firm takes the prices charged by its rivals as given and ignores the impact of its own prices on the prices of other firms.[1] In a monopolistically competitive market, firms can behave like monopolies in the short run, including by using market power to generate profit. In the long run, however, other firms enter the market and the benefits of differentiation decrease with competition. There are six characteristics of monopolistic competition (MC): * Product differentiation * Many firms * Free entry and exit in the long run * Independent decision making * Market Power * Buyers and Sellers do not have perfect information ( Economic Background The deodorant market in India is estimated at Rs 900 crore. Men’s deodorants dominate the category with a 70 per cent share estimated at Rs 650 crore. The segment is expected to grow 25 per cent annually to become three times its current size in the next five years. The overall deodorant market has grown by about 40 per cent a year in the past five years driven by introduction of new brands and aggressive media promotions. The market will continue to grow at 20-25 per cent thanks to low penetration and availability at low price points. Deodorant sales are seasonal — maximum sales happen in the summer months (April to September). About 90 per cent of the market is concentrated in the mass segment (with deodorants priced between Rs 125 and Rs 175 for a 150 ml pack). With new players entering the category at popular price points, the mass segment, with brands like Axe, Adidas, Nike and Reebok, will continue to grow faster and command higher share in the deodorant market. The size of the premium and above segments, which have brands like Burberry, The Body Shop, Kenzo and Ralph Lauren, will double by value in the next five years. ( Method We will be using the financial tools of various ratios to determine which company has been more successful in this market. Survey The survey was conducted on 200 males in the college and office going crowd the results were as follows. 1. Which Deodorant do you use? Analysis As we can see from the above graph that Axe has a majority amongst the people surveyed while the others are below 10%. This gives us a picture of the domination of Axe in this market and same is the case when market share all over India is observed. 2. Reason for buying the particular brand. From the above graph we find that the decision of people in the age group of 15-25 behind buying a particular deodorant is not its fragrance but its price followed by easy availability and advertising. This shows us that main factor which affects a consumer’s decision, in this age group is the price of the product followed by other factors regarding quality, availability etc. This was the result obtained from the office crowd which gave an entirely different reason. The consumers decision in this age group is affected by the brand as people become brand conscious and are more bothered about which brand they use rather than its use. After the brand value the price affects their decisions. Hence from both these results we see that consumer behaviour varies on the different age groups and changes as a consumer grows older. Findings: Name: Mahikaansh Reddy Brand: AXE (Hindustan Unilever) AXE was launched in France in 1983 by Unilever. It was inspired by another of Unilever’s brands, Impulse. Unilever were keen to capitalize on AXE’s French success and the rest of Europe from 1985 onwards, later introducing the other products in the range. Unilever were unable to use the name AXE in the United Kingdom and Ireland due to trademark problems so it was launched as Lynx. The European launch of the deodorant was followed by success in Latin America and moderate impact in Asia and Africa. In the new millennium, the brand has launched with great success in the United States and Canada. The company has also consolidated its deodorant portfolio by migrating other overlapping male deodorants into the Lynx brand such as South Africa’s Ego brand. In January 2012, Unilever launched its first Lynx product for women in the United Kingdom as part of a global expansion of the previously men’s-only brand. The AXE deodorant was popular in India in the Grey market (duty paid shops). Impressed by the volume of AXE sold there, AXE deodorant was launched in India in 1999. The brand launch was very quiet and had the strategy of ‘High Price, Low Promotion’. At that time, the deodorant market was a nascent one with an estimated market size of Rs 72 crore. HLL, at that time, had the brands Denim and Rexona and was ruling the market. AXE was priced at a premium. In just three years flat, AXE had a market share of over 35% and HLL started phasing out Denim to concentrate more on AXE. It is known for its very controversial advertisements which actually helped in its publicity and led to a faster growth in the industry. Its target group was mainly men between the age group of 18-24 as they were seen as the easiest to convince with such advertisements. Not only does the brand use TV commercials to its advantage, but it also uses its print ads effectively. Besides print, the brand also uses outdoors for maximum impact. Hence, Axe is a classic example of the 360 degree branding effort. Therefore Axe is a perfect example of how important advertising is for a brand and how it can lead to higher revenues. Marketing Mix 1. Product: 2. Place: Available at all malls across India. Every deodorant selling shop will 99% be selling Axe. All other variants of Axe brand could be purchased from established retailers viz. BIG BAZAAR (PANTALOONS RETAIL INDIA LIMITED). 1. Promotion: Concentrates on single- segment male youth and targets young at heart. The competitive advantage of this brand is its complete monopoly over this proposition. The â€Å"Axe Effect† is one of the most famous claim in the world. This so called effect is supposed to draw women in hordes to any male who has sprayed himself liberally with the Axe deodorant. The advertisements are very slick and usually display a normal male but with oodles of self-assurance as an Axe user. The females get irresistibly drawn to this male implying that Axe acts like a nasal aphrodisiac. 2. The Axe brand of deodorants is from Unilever and is primarily targeted at 15 to 25 year old males. The brand portrays normal yet cool, trendy and confident, a positioning that is aspirational to the target segment. At a more subtle level, the Axe Effect also acts on the confidence levels of the user. The very act of being associated with the brand serves to boost the ego. The success of AXE attracted lots of new brands which were trying to follow the same marketing strategy as AXE. The one notable difference though is that all these newbies use hunks as opposed to the regular guys which are a stable for the Axe advertisements. This strategy has proven very effective for the brand. It comes across as approachable and it acts like a confidante and friend to its users. They are currently distributed in more than 40 countries. Unilever started out allotting roughly 60 percent of its advertising budget to television, but it has since winnowed that down to about 30 percent, pouring more money into offbeat alternatives. Competitive analysis: Axe faces competition from new entrants such as Wildstone, Adidas, Park Avenue etc. However among all these brands AXE has a dominating share in the market because of the brand equity and brand loyalty that it has built and is leveraging the same. AXE has a wide acceptance among the youth which forms the major chunk of perfume & deodorant users. Vis-à  -vis all these the AXE deodorant never forgets to promote any of its new product. AXE time and again, on launch of the new product goes for PR as well as wide advertising campaigns. 3. Target group- 18 to 24 What next? As such, I believe that AXE has the potential to spread its reach and increase its market share by expanding into the 35-50 year old demographic. In doing so, AXE will need to associate and disassociate itself with a more mature brand image and its inexpensive nature respectively, thereby attracting the average male aged 35-50 years. Hence it needs to re-focus the marketing mix towards 35-50 year old demographic, whilst retaining its keystone market, the 16-25 year olds. Conclusion Axe has a very large share in this market and has hardly got a foot wrong. It just needs to follow its tried and tested market strategies and build upon it, by doing that it can thwart the competition and maintain its kind of monopoly in the market. The only thing that could be suggested is to increase its target group so that it could expand more in the market and serve a larger base leading to higher revenues. Hence Axe just needs to follow what it was doing from before and be wary of the new competition in this segment with the help of excessive advertising and PR.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Belonging Speech Essay

Belonging? What does it mean to you? And what are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it? As the human need to belong often overtakes us and disregards morals and values in order to do what we crave so badly and connect with those around us. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible the desire to belong has over-ridden every other thought the human mind could possibly have. As Miller examines the results when individuals neglect their beliefs and are pushed to the edges of absolute exclusion and disconnection. Whereas in Gabrielle Carey and Kathy Lette’s novel Puberty Blues it is clear that two best friends are willing to turn a blind eye to their own personal morals and beliefs in order to create a popular social status for themselves and conform to the â€Å"Greenhill Gang†. And again Will Hunting unearthed a new person beneath the mean, unlovable and lonely boy in Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s Good Will Hunting, by simply making an unbreakable connection with Sean Macquire. The town of Salem is experiencing upheaval by the possible thought of witchcraft, characters are becoming so desperate that they are willing to give the â€Å"dogs the lie they want†. It is an instinct for self-survival that people will change their views on the world around them in order to connect and strengthen the power or position they hold in their society. Danforth is a character who does exactly this, and changes his mind to suit his own priorities of becoming a â€Å"Boston Judge†. He is a man capable of deciding ones fate by so called â€Å"ridding Salem of Satan†, and individually hanging those who refuse to give him the confession he wants such as Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey and the Crucible himself John Proctor. These three particular people are greatly respected in the Salem community until the beautiful, attention seeking 17 year old known as Abigail Williams causes the uproar that the devil is in Salem. Young Abigail is an independent, free thinking woman who has had a troubled upbringing, as she was orphaned and belonged to no family in particular after she watched her parents get slaughtered. Both Abigail and Will Hunting have a connection, as they are both orphans, have had troubled upbringing and never felt like they have truly belonged anywhere. For a long while, Proctor strode around Salem as if his marriage was fine and he had never once committed a sin, a crime, though this was not true, as he had turned his head from his ill wife Elizabeth to the alpha female, Abigail. And he was frowned upon by Hale when he could recite only 9 of the 10 commandments, needing Elizabeth to correct him with just two words â€Å"Adultery, John†. Though he soon discovered that he did not belong to Abigail because â€Å"the promise a stallion gives a mare† is the promise he gave that girl. Between John and Abigail the only connection was lust, and it never lasted. John and Elizabeth were more than just a stallion and a mare; they were a true connection and promise. He became a better husband once committing adultery as he put it behind him and swore â€Å"I will cut off my hand before I will ever reach for you again. We never touched Abby†, which expresses that he would do anything to keep his marriage with Elizabeth alive. Abigail’s promiscuity is also apparent in Puberty Blues, as the two main characters Sue and Debbie are beginning to discover their own sexuality through their conformity with the â€Å"Greenhill Gang†. Belonging to the â€Å"Greenhill Gang’ means everything to the girls, because if they are not a part of it they are downgraded with comments such as â€Å"Rack off ya moll† but once they are accepted, they soon realise that their power has been taken from them and they no longer have opinions and must do exactly what the boys say. The girls must decide where the line is and how far they can step over it when it comes to their sexual relations with the boys, as this gives them the power they were looking for but also neglects their values and morals. Will Hunting however isn’t worried about his sexual relationships; he is worried about letting people into his life, after dealing with abusive foster parents his entire life. He is torn between his unintelligent work mates, the industrial wasteland and the university. Sean Macquire the physiatrist is a man that turns Will Hunting’s life upside down, the moment he first meets him. They make an unbreakable connection by sharing stories and opening up with each other. These sessions that Will spend with Sean, make him soon realise that he does belong and he is loveable though he still â€Å"has to go see about a girl†. Sean was a big part of Will’s life because if they hadn’t met, Will may have completely wasted his life and alienated himself from others. Both Will Hunting and John Proctor cross paths with their belonging issues, as they are unsure of themselves and who they truly belong to. But once their eyes have been opened they realise where it is they should belong. And that is to themselves, not their friends or wives, themselves. As Procter discovers his true meaning of his life, he yells with all his might â€Å"It is my name and I cannot have another in my life†¦.. Leave me my name! This is where he â€Å"has his goodness† and no one, not even Elizabeth could possibly take it from him. So yes, belonging is an instinct for self-survival and is triggered by a sense of alienation. In all my three texts, it is clear that John Proctor, Will Hunting, Sue and Debbie all experience a need to belong. And at first they all disregard their morals and values and are unable to order their priorities, but in the long run they discover that neglecting their personal morals and values is too much of a price to pay to just belong. So again I will ask you, what are you willing to sacrifice?

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Information Technology Entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

An Information Technology Entrepreneur - Essay Example It results in job creation, a forward looking and self sufficient society as well as increased foreign trade. It leads to the development of certain areas especially rural areas where certain factories are setup to achieve lower costs. Entrepreneurship results in competition between businesses thereby leading to better quality and more choice for the consumer. Another advantage of entrepreneurship is its ability to promote modern technology in small scale manufacturing to enhance productivity. Thereby entrepreneurship and innovation must be encouraged. (Langlois, 2) Entrepreneurship is not limited to a certain field, nation or profession. It transcends all such boundaries to become a major force in the development of a society. Information technology is a field in which exemplary entrepreneurial talents have emerged. It is also an area which requires constant innovation and entrepreneurship. This is because technology keeps getting upgraded and the world keeps moving forward in this field. The information technology explosion has taken the world by storm and has lead to an entrepreneurial culture which has given way to many scientific advances, the likes of internet, portable networking and email included. (Brown and Ulijn, 83) Many entrepreneurs in the information technology arena came and went. Many were successful others not so. However, none have left a mark on the information technology industry like Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation has. Microsoft Corporation is the largest software company in the world. It is the company that made Bill Gates the second richest man in the world being its largest stockholder and the youngest self-made billionaire. He is worth a whopping $6.1 billion. In 1994 his company made $953 million last year on sales of $3.75 billion. Microsofts $25 billion market value tops that of Ford, General Motors, 3M, Boeing, RJR Nabisco, General Mills, Anheuser-Busch or Eastman Kodak.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Investment case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investment case - Essay Example 45). Some of the skills required in order to manage a car rental company are decision making skills, good communication skills and professional appearance. Rental purposes –The manager is able to offer rental services to clients who want to use car for a specific duration or travel for long distances. The cars that are allocated for rental purposes should be heavy duty vehicles or four wheel drive vehicles like Land cruiser, Range Rover and Jeep. This are quite effective for long distances and are quite comfortable. This types of vehicles can attract a wide range of customers. Airport purposes- The manager of a car rental business is able to allocate some cars to offers transport for clients that arrive into the country and want transport. The types of cars that should be at the airport should be ostentatious so that they can attract customers. The type of car that can be used at the airport include Mercedes Benz and New models of Toyota. The drivers should also be dressed in a proper manner and should be able to communicate with the customers very well. Daily activities – The manager of the car rental service can offer services for clients that need their services within the town center. VOGEL (2000) asserts that most of the clients that use the car rental service in their daily activities should be regular clients for this service (Pg 54). This will mainly look for a specific group for example employees that work in a specific firm. Security services - The manager for the car rental services can offer some of the vehicles to be used for security services . Some of the vehicles can be used such as jeeps and Land cruiser. This car will be effective in offering security services to different clients. I believe that car rental service is a plausible investment that can make me a lot of money. If I can concentrate more on the two core markets include the tourist market and the business market, I will be able to get good returns . There is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Aboriginal youth gangs Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Aboriginal youth gangs - Term Paper Example ently so violent in nature, the manner of recruitment and the preventive programs taken up by civil society and governments alike to weed away impressionable youth from this menace. Data shows that there are approximately 800-1000 aboriginal gangs operating in the Prairie Provinces in Canada. (Totten Mark, 2009) The regions of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia also have a significant presence of aboriginal gangs. Most members of these gangs are below 17 with 22% of these being aborigines. (Totten Mark, 2008) Police statistics show that between 1992 and 2001, criminal activity in the Saskatchewan area showed a significant increase by 17%. (FSIN, 2003) The gangs currently operating in this region include Indian Posse and Redd Alert who in turn keep their chain of command active by supplying its members with regular supply of marijuana and cocaine. Redd Alertt traces its origins to an organized prison gang in Edmonton back in the 90’s. (Totten Mark, 2008).These gangs have now spread to other parts of Canada including Vancouver, Okanagan and Winnipeg. Studies have shown that there is definitely a hierarchical structure to these gangs. There are smaller street gangs which indulge in spontaneous activity and acts of vandalism. These members are also recruited by the more organized higher criminal organization. The aboriginal gangs have however a fluid structure with no real core ideals except that the new recruit would have to prove his capabilities satisfactorily to the leader. (Totten Mark, 2008).The new gang member is judged and placed in the hierarchical structure based on the amount of cash he can bring or graver the degree of violence he can commit. The one who started the gang in most cases would be leader and would be assisted by his key associates on whom he has considerable trust. The gang has both the Hard-Core members and the Active members. (Totten Mark, 2008).While the hard-core members indulge in serious violent acts between rival gangs, the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Advanced human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Advanced human resource - Essay Example In 2014, Toyota has a net capital of 397.05 billion yen and it has 338,875 employees operating for accomplishing the organisational objectives (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2015). Toyota has been operating with highest market share in the world in the present day context. The company is also identified to be one of the largest companies in terms of revenue. Human Resource Department of the company has been identified to be facing Human Resource (HR) issues, which has been adversely affecting the operations of the business to a certain extent. For a company, human resource is ascertaining to be the main asset to develop and grow, as human resource facilitates in performing operations in accordance with organisational objective (Ekshan & Othman, 2009). The three HR issues faced by the company include training, negative behaviour, and employee engagement and commitment (Austenfeld, 2006). For making the employee perfect and efficient, effective training is needed to be provided, so that the employees are able to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently for accomplishing organisational objectives. Providing better training to the employees of the company helps in building up the right skills and knowledge of the subsequent products that are to be offered for meeting the preferences of the customers. Training is an important aspect for motivating as well as developing the competency of the employees, so that the employees are able to perform their operations on the basis of organisational needs. The objective of training involves mostly acquisition of knowledge needed for the staff to perform their function in a better way (Dyer, 2008). Negative behaviour in the organisation could affect the growth of the company. In addition, it affects the productivity and profitability of the organisation. In the organisation, the employees develop negative behaviour at the time

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critically Assess the Employee Relations Management Style Adopted By Essay

Critically Assess the Employee Relations Management Style Adopted By ACME Engineering - Essay Example 148-149). ACME is a sales and a manufacturing operation. This makes us different from other Japanese plants that have will have just a manufacturing operation. This is one significant organizational difference among ACME and further UK Japanese plants. ACME is an industrialized plant and a selling tool. It's also a declaration of commitment to the long term in Europe. â€Å"Acme components represent computational elements and data stores of a system. ACME’s managerial style included a mechanistic organization† (Garlan et al. n.d., p. 52). Management Style Used by ACME: ACME follows a classical-scientific method to management with autocratic management style. â€Å"Autocratic management style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it are when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your e mployees are well motivated† (Leadership Styles 1997). The autocratic management style leaves no room to workers payment to the running of the industry, and they are treated quite and impersonally; frequently ignored when they suggest developments for the business. Because the classical-scientific technique relies on every member doing their individual task to contribute to the entire business, the high stages of absenteeism signify that work is not getting done; hence the production of the business will suffer. ACME’s vertical separation, which includes of four stages of control, constitutes the distribution of authority among the organizational hierarchy levels and technologies to provide the organization more control than its activities and projects. â€Å"In addition to profit sharing, the executive pay package at Acme should include a stock option plan† (Lawler 2011, p. 248). ACME is extremely centralized. Directors from the top of the class structure have a ll the control to create the majority of the choices for the organization, and subordinates are probable to follow instructions. Even though, I consider that ACME has founded a high level of formalization and standardization, they experienced complicatedness abiding to their own policies. Employees at ACME use individual specialization, where workers concentrate on one particular work and area individually. â€Å"Acme’s top executives were actively looking for managers whose behavior and management philosophy aligned with this new orientation. These efforts reinforced the emphasis on sensitivity to bias and racial stereo types that Bowman had initiated† (Thomas & Gabarro 1999, p. 162). Following are the Managerial Style Structure of ACME. Specialization Type: At ACME, the head retained the single structure of the plant, before it became a divide entity. The managerial structure was well-defined, with high quantity of separation of labor. Each section executed its task separately. Therefore, type of area is individual. Integrating Mechanism: Due to the well-defined, tall ladder of the organization, the basic incorporating mechanism in ACME is Authority. Distribution of Authority: The majority choices were issued from top of the organization down to its lesser levels. Distribution of power was mostly centralized. Standardization of Rules: Most of the works were being done in an already defined method, were orders to create actions which were issued among

Build sales proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Build sales proposal - Essay Example Moreover, the introduction of the project presents three significant components such as sale proposal elaborates the potential clients regarding novel ideas, service, and the product. The second argument that is made by sale professionals in favour of sales proposal is that this service is mandatory and beneficial for them. Last, but but not the least is that it is important and mentioned in sale proposal is to enhance the expectations of project success (Wise Geek, 2015). Sale proposal is the integral part of successful sale deal; it is a pitch that allows sale professionals to land either new or prior business (PandaDoc, 2015). Mylocalpitch is an online platform that has been set up by fans that are passionate about sports. It also represents fans that have struggled for a long time to encounter the places across London they can play in; namely Sanford Loudon and Jamie Foale. The major aim of this platform is to allow players to grasp the information regarding the closest sports facilities from their home, hence, allowing them to book easily these facilities online and can enjoy the sports passion anywhere in London (Mylocalpitch, n,d, a). In addition, with the aim to be the one-stop shop for London residents, the website is focusing on 13 sports that are major and will continue to add more as will grow. The website is also searching for courts and pitches so its clients can make a purchase of sports equipment via online mode of shopping. Companies that offer sports services and advertise at my local pitch platform and can maximize their business (Mylocalpitch, 2015). It is essential to know the market to which the proposal is being presented. This proposal is not being written in response to RFP (Request For Proposal); therefore it has become pivotal to take the market research into consideration. The market research is vital in a sense that after recognizing market needs and competitors, a better sale

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Overview of Marketing and Information Systems II Research Paper

Overview of Marketing and Information Systems II - Research Paper Example hnique and the procedure that are used for gathering, designing, analyzing and presenting the information that can be used in making the decision of marketing (Wrenn & Et. Al., 2006). Consumers are not only the purchaser of economic goods but they are the main fulcrum of business who adopts potential of free services, philosophies or ideas. Consumer behavior is basically a decision making process that the individuals engage themselves in when making a decision with regards to acquiring, evaluating, using or disposal of the goods after usage (Tyagi, 2004). The tutorial begins with the definition of marketing as well as the short history of marketing. The business buying behavior has been taught in the next section which tries to focus about the business market primarily and it comprises of the organizations that are basically into manufacturing, distribution of the product and services. It is because of the huge market which has been successful in drawing attention of thousands of companies. The tutorial proposes that the understanding of the business market is quite easier in comparison to the understanding of the consumer market. In case of consumer market, there is need to build a recognizable brand which is not very important in case of business market. But there are many cases which prove that business buying is more important than consumer buying. Therefore in this section called business buying behavior, the tutorial tries to focus more on the characteristics of business buying behavior. The tutorial also teaches what exactly s upply chain is. It teaches that supply chain is mostly involved in activities relating to creation of the product and delivery to the final consumers. The tutorial also emphasizes upon the ways to deal with the customers effectively and to understand the buying behavior of the customers and the methods employed by the companies to understand the decision process of the consumer. It also discusses the various factor that affect the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Accounting analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounting analysis - Essay Example For other transactions substance and form diverge and the choice of treatment can give different results due to non-recognition of an asset or a liability even though benefits or obligations result.Full disclosure is not enough:all transactions must be accounted for correctly,with full disclosure of related details as necessary to give the user of accounts a full understanding of the transactions.The interaction of the framework with other standards is also an important issue. Whichever rules are the more specific should be applied, given that IAS's should be consistent with the framework. Leasing provides a good example: straight forward lease which fall squarely within the terms of IAS 17 should be accounted for without any need to refer to the framework, but where there terms are more complex, or the lease is only one element in a large series of transactions, then the framework comes into play. In addition, the framework implicitly requires that its general principle of substance over form should apply in the application of other existing rules.How does the frame work enforce the substance over from rule Its main method is to define the elements of financial substance and therefore to give rules for their recognition. The key considerations are weather a transaction has given rise to new assets and liabilities.A liability is a present obligation of the enterprise arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the enterprise of resources embodying economic benefits. ( Identification of those who have risks related to an asset will generally indicate who has the benefits and hence who has the asset. if an entity is in certain circumstances unable to avoid an outflow of benefits, this will provide evidence that it has liability. The definitions given in IASC framework of income and expenses are not as imp as assets and liabilities. This is because income and expenses are described in terms of changes in assets and liabilities, i.e. they are secondary definitions Income is increases in economic beniufit5s during the accounting period in form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in decrease in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participations. Expenses are decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of outflows or depletion of assets or increases of liabilities that results in decrease in equity, other than those relating to distributions to equity participants. ( The real importance then is the way the Framework defines assets and liabilities regardless of the legal status. It is not sufficient, however, that the asset or liabilities fulfils the above definition; it must also satisfy recognition criteria in order to be shown in an entity's accounts

Monday, July 22, 2019

Argumentative Essay Essay Example for Free

Argumentative Essay Essay Malcolm X expressed the pent up anger, frustration, and bitterness of African Americans during the major phase of the civil rights movement. According to Learning to Read, â€Å"I believe it took me a day. Then, aloud, I read back, to myself, everything I’d written on the tablet. Over and over, aloud, to myself, I read my own handwriting.† (Paragraph 8) This means that he basically read his own handwriting. In Malcolm X’s, Learning to Read, he enhanced his life with reading and comprehension by having to experience his black community being treated wrong and having to go to jail. According to Learning to Read, â€Å"Many who today hear me somewhere in person, or on television, or those who read something I’ve said, will think I went to school far beyond the eighth grade. This impression is due entirely to my prison studies.† (Paragraph 3) This means that he’s known for his famous speech. Either on television or someone who read something that he said. Malcolm X was imprisoned for a long time, and was studying while there. The qualities that he possessed while in prison were phenomenal and not worthy to the white people. But, he didn’t become intelligent in jail for them; he did it for his fellow black community. According to Learning to Read, â€Å"It had really begun back in the Charlestown Prison, when Bimbi first made me feel envy of his stock of knowledge.† (Paragraph 4) This really means that he really didn’t start to read and comprehend until he met Bimbi. However, Bimbi was the first person he met in prison that didn’t use slang language. It was a surprise to Malcolm, because he didn’t know there would ever be anyone learning to read and comprehend like him in jail. On the other hand, how did learning to read aid him to understand the struggle of African Americans in this country? From my understanding, I believe that it aided him by it freeing him physically in his mind. And, it aided him by leading black people in the civil rights movement. According to Learning to Read, â€Å"In my slow, painstaking, ragged handwriting, I copied into my tablet everything printed on that first page, down to the punctuation marks.† (Paragraph 7) This means that he basically was practicing his handwriting while, at the same time, reading the words and comprehending them. Also, how did it enable him to impress people of colors? In my opinion, I believe it enabled him by expanding his knowledge about blacks with the plight they were experiencing. To conclude, the central idea of the text was that reading and comprehension helped him understand the racism in the black community. Malcolm X was basically strong and opinionated. Also, he is ambitious and anxious to get the freedom for his people and for himself. The reason being was because to awaken black people or in other words, spark them.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Feminine Roles In Dracula English Literature Essay

The Feminine Roles In Dracula English Literature Essay Bram Stokers novel, Dracula was written during the late nineteenth century and is commonly classified as a horror novel. Further analysis however, has brought to light the buried symbols and themes of sexuality that the novel holds within it. Due to its female sexual symbolism, the novel draws the attention of mostly men, as exploring these female forbidden themes were more of a fantasy for them than reality. As Dracula was set in the Victorian culture, it is shown to encompass all the beliefs and prejudices of the society, especially in regards to the social gender roles of men and women. Women were known to be suppressed and put down socially while men were lifted up and known for the authority and freedom they possessed. Through the two main female characters of his novel, Mina and Lucy, Stoker presents both the ideal Victorian model of what a woman should be, and the opposite of this model illustrating what a woman should not be; for the second becomes a threat to patriarchal Vic torian society and will ends up in ruin. Mina and Lucy are very significant to the novel as they are the only female characters, and narrators, who are depicted in a large amount of detail by Stoker. He juxtaposes Mina and Lucy throughout his novel to describe and contrast the two different categories of women that he believed existed in the Victorian era: the ideal, innocent, submissive women and the dangerous, rebellious women who wish to take risks and break free from the confining features of society. Although they hold different views on which of the two categories a woman should take her place in, they both acknowledge the conventional belief that men are more dominant in Victorian society than women: My dear Mina, why are men so noble when we women are so little worthy of them? (Stoker 96). Stoker uses Mina to illustrate his version of what an exemplary Victorian woman is like. Van Helsing describes Mina in the novel as one of Gods women, fashioned by His own hand to show us men and other women that there is a heaven where we can enter, and that its light can be here on earth. So true, so sweet, so noble, so little an egoistà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Stoker 306). Mina is an intelligent, educated woman who uses her attained skills solely to better her husband, Jonathan Harker. Stoker uses Minas speech in the novel to emphasize her dedication to her husband: I have been working very hard lately, because I want to keep up with Jonathans studies, and I have been practicing shorthand very assiduously (Stoker 86). Although she works fulltime, she tirelessly takes on other commitments such as perfecting her shorthand so that she would be useful to Jonathan (Stoker 86). She is also seen thinking very highly of men in general and their independence from women: a brave mans hand can speak for itself; it does not even need a womans love to hear its music (Stoker 386). Lucy on the other hand, falls into Stokers second category of Victorian women. She is not seen committed physically and emotionally to one man alone throughout the novel. She is described as a voluptuous, beautiful woman who is approached with three proposals from three different suitors. Lucy complains to Mina asking her: Why cant they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble? (Stoker 96). Although she would do this if she were allowed to, she recognizes that she has uttered words of heresy after saying them. This shows that although such a thought is seen as utterly promiscuous, immoral, and forbidden in the Victorian culture, it does not stop her from mentally crossing the boundaries set up by the social conventions of the society. Lucy is portrayed as someone who is driven by her sexual openness and flirtatious, tempting nature. Her physical beauty holds the interest of all her suitors and she enjoys the attention she would not get otherwise from the men of her society. This, in a way, helps Lucy to equalize herself to the same male gender that is claimed to be superior to females. Conversely, Mina is shown to be content with her monogamous status in society and does not feel the need to use her feminine sensuality to prove anything. In fact, Minas sexual desires, if any, remain unknown throughout the novel. By presenting Mina in this way, Stoker provides a stark contrast between the sexuality of Lucy and Mina. Minas perspective on the subject is left untold to illustrate that it shouldnt be a womans concern to think about such things, and that all a Victorian womans role entails is succumbing to a mans sexual needs and desires. Lucys character does not agree with this. Because she cannot live out her sexual appetites in the public sphere, she does it in the private through sleepwalking. In the state of sleepwalking, she can unconsciously and quite freely express her thoughts and longings. It is in this state that she is first bitten by Count Dracula. As this sequence occurs more often, she is made into a vampire and openly expresses her suppressed sexual desires. This defiles her purity and makes her a voluptuous wantonness (Stoker 342). Lucy as a vampire represents all of her built up, yet restrained sexual urges and passions. Her ravenous, insatiable sexual hunger becomes increasingly more obvious all the way through to the killing of her life as a vampire. Because Mina is not full of sexual neediness like Lucy, she has a lot less to restrain. She rather, uses her energy on being a maternal figure to those who need it. She feels the need to use her natural maternal instincts to better the men around her. She allows Arthur and Quincey to cry on her shoulder not long after encountering them in the novel just so that they would feel the comfort of a mother: He stood up and then sat down again, and the tears rained down his cheeks. I felt an infinite pity for him, and opened my arms unthinkingly. With a sob he laid his head on my shoulder, and cried like a wearied child, whilst he shook with emotion. We women have something of the mother in us that makes us rise above smaller matters when the mother-spirit is invoked; I felt this big, sorrowing mans head resting on me, as though it were that of the baby that some day may lie on my bosom, and I stroked his hair as though he were my own child (Stoker 372-373). Lucy, on the other hand, is shown as someone who does not take interest in the maternal qualities of women and mistreats little children in the novel. With a careless motion, she flung to the ground, callous as a devil, the child that up to now she had clutched,  strenuously to her breast, growling over it as a dog growls over a bone. The child gave a sharp cry, and  lay there moaning (Stoker 343). This shows that her craving is more important to her than the maternal quality of caring for a child; she would rather feed on the child than feed the child itself. Although both Mina and Lucy are attacked by the Count, the reasons for the attack differ for both characters. When Count Dracula threatens Jonathan during his attempt to attack Mina, Mina does what the Victorian culture would expect in a situation like this and puts her husbands life and safety before hers. Through the final attack on innocent Mina, Stoker illustrates the raw desire of men exploiting innocent women and testing their submissiveness. He also shows through this incident his belief of how weak and vulnerable women are. Conveniently, the first thing Mina does is succumb to the strange mans behaviour: I was bewildered, and strangely enough, I did not want to hinder him (Stoker 466). However, as soon as she realizes her purity is being defiled, she becomes revolted by the unclean event that has occurred and cries out Unclean! Unclean! (Stoker 461). Unable to change what has happened to her, she uses the incident to help the men who are in pursuit of Count Dracula. Lucy on t he other hand, is attacked and killed for another reason. Men want to see her destroyed because they see her beauty and sexual openness as a threat to Victorian society. Stoker uses Lucy to illustrate that sexually aggressive women who use their beauty to gain a certain power over men will not last in the Victorian culture. Instead of being physically ruined, they will be socially demeaned and out-casted. This social punishment is depicted through the staking and killing of Lucy by her own husband, Arthur. He is used in the passage to bring her back under Victorian social order and purity: There, in the coffin lay no longer the foul Thing that we had so dreaded and grown to hate that the work of her destruction was yielded as a privilege to the one best entitled to it, but Lucy as we had seen her in life, with her face of unequalled sweetness and purity (Stoker 351). This destruction of Lucy restores the confidence of the male audience of this novel as they are given back their plac e of superiority and are left knowing that they could continue to repress any liberating power women try to attain. Minas life is spared in the novel for her socially correct behaviour throughout the story. She uses her intelligence, her organization skills, and her resourcefulness to service the men and help them track down Count Dracula. Van Helsing describes her intellect as a trained like a mans brain, proving the belief that intellect is not something women naturally possess (Stoker 551). Mina is also always seen putting men above herself, even if it means giving up her own life: without a moments delay, drive a stake through me and cut off my head, or do whatever else may be wanting to give me rest!(Stoker 537). She asks her husband to take the responsibility of killing her before she becomes a danger to mens lives. To conclude, Stoker uses Mina and Lucy to confirm his sexist Victorian beliefs about the roles of men and women in society. The social construct of the time involved women being inferior to men in all areas of life, with the exception of child bearing and child upbringing. Their value was only seen in their maternal qualities and their submissiveness to men. Through Minas character, Stoker exhibits the ideal, virtuous, Victorian woman and shows, through her survival, what the benefits of following this model are. He also goes to show what happens to women when they feel that they should be seen as equals to men. Women who attempt to use their sexuality to attain power and break free from the patriarchal boundaries of Victorian society will end up ruined, just like Lucy.

Music theory

Music theory ABSTRACT MUSIC THEORY:- Music theory is the field of study that deals with how music works. It examines the language and notation of music. It identifies patterns that govern composers techniques. In a grand sense, music theory distills and analyzes the parameters or elements of music – rhythm, harmony (harmonic function), melody, structure, form, and texture. Broadly, music theory may include any statement, belief, or conception of or about music. People who study these properties are known as music theorists. Some have applied acoustics, human physiology, and psychology to the explanation of how and why music is perceived. The Four elements of music:- Melody Harmony Rhythm Dynamics AESTHETICS:- Aesthetics (also spelled esthetics or esthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty. It is more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste. More broadly, scholars in the field define aesthetics as critical reflection on art, culture and nature. Aesthetics is a subdiscipline of axiology, a branch of philosophy, and is closely associated with the philosophy of art. Aesthetics studies new ways of seeing and of perceiving the world. AESTHETICS OF MUSIC:- Traditionally, the aesthetics of music or musical aesthetics concentrated on the quality and study of the beauty and enjoyment (plaisir and jouissance) of music. Aesthetics is a sub-discipline of philosophy. However, many musicians, music critics, and other non-philosophers have contributed to the aesthetics of music. In recent decades philosophers have tended to emphasize issues besides beauty and enjoyment. It is often thought that music has the ability to affect our emotions, intellect, and psychology; lyrics can assuage our loneliness or incite our passions. For this reason, the philosopher Plato proposed that music is a dangerous entertainment that should be closely regulated by the state. It is commonly believed that human responses to music are culturally influenced. For example, musical passages in Beethoven that sounded highly dissonant to his contemporaries do not sound dissonant to listeners today. As such, musics aesthetic appeal seems highly dependent upon the culture in which it is practiced. However, there is a physical background which defines sound being proper or improper. Proper sound is perceived as gentle sound while improper sound is more or less considered nice sounding depending on what the listener is used to listen to. Harry Partch and some other musicologists like for instance Kyle Gann therefore have studied and tried to popularize microtonal music and the usage of alternate musical scales. Also many modern composers like Lamonte Young, Rhys Chatham and Glenn Branca paid much attention to a scale called just intonation. Some of the aesthetic elements expressed in music include lyricism, harmony, hypnotism, emotiveness, temporal dynamics, resonance, playfulness, and color (see also musical development). However, there has been a strong tendency in the aesthetics of music to emphasize musical structure as the most important (or even only) aesthetic element that is important in the experience of music. RHYTHM:- Rhythm is the heartbeat of music. As music passes in time, it is divided into perceptible sections, and each section subdivided further. Rhythm is the arrangement of sounds and silences in time. Meter animates time in regular pulse groupings, called measures or bars. The time signature or meter signature specifies how many beats are in a measure, and which value of written note is counted and felt as a single beat. Through increased stress and attack (and subtle variations in duration), particular tones may be accented. There are conventions in most musical traditions for a regular and hierarchical accentuation of beats to reinforce the meter. Syncopated rhythms are rhythms that accent unexpected parts of the beat. Playing simultaneous rhythms in more than one time signature is called polymeter. See also polyrhythm. Rhythm is, by its simplest definition, musical time. The origin of the word is Greek, meaning flow. Rhythm is indeed the embodiment of timely flow. As meter regulates and pulsates a poem, rhythm organizes music in much the same way. The regular pulsations of the music are called the beat. Stronger beats are referred to as accented beats. Measures of music divide a piece into time-counted segments. Strong beats occur in patterns. For instance, in 4/4 time, the conductor would beat a strong beat on the first beat of every measure and another accented beat although not as strong on the third count of the measure. Because the conductors arms move downward on strong beats, especially those that begin a measure, accented beats are also referred to as downbeats. In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars. Recent work in these areas includes books by Bengt-Olov Palmqvist, Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff, Jonathan Kramer, Christopher Hasty, William Rothstein, and Joel Lester. Rhythm either means tempo literally, or its percussion within tempo. Like instead of just 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4. you might Get a groove like: 1-+-+-2-+-+-3-+-+-4-+-+-1-+-2-+-. Rhythm is the variation of the length and accentuation of a series of sounds or other events. RHYTHM IN LINGUISTICS:- The study of rhythm, stress, and pitch in speech is called prosody; it is a topic in linguistics. Narmour (1980, p.147–53) describes three categories of prosodic rules which create rhythmic successions which are additive (same duration repeated), cumulative (short-long), or countercumulative (long-short). Cumulation is associated with closure or relaxation, countercumulation with openness or tension, while additive rhythms are open-ended and repetitive. Richard Middleton points out this method cannot account for syncopation and suggests the concept of transformation. A rhythmic unit is a durational pattern which occupies a period of time equivalent to a pulse or pulses on an underlying metric level, as opposed to a rhythmic gesture which does not (DeLone et al. (Eds.), 1975 ORIGINS OF HUMAN APPERCIATION OF RHYTHM:- In his series How Music Works, Howard Goodall presents theories that rhythm recalls how we walk and the heartbeat we heard in the womb. More likely is that a simple pulse or di-dah beat recalls the footsteps of another person. Our sympathetic urge to dance is designed to boost our energy levels in order to cope with someone, or some animal chasing us – a fight or flight response. From a less darwinist perspective, perceiving rhythm is the ability to master the otherwise invisible dimension, time. Rhythm is possibly also rooted in courtship ritual. Neurologist Oliver Sacks posits that human affinity for rhythm is fundamental, so much that a persons sense of rhythm cannot be lost in the way that music and language can (e.g. by stroke). In addition, he states that chimpanzees and other animals show no similar appreciation for rhythm. RYHTM NOTATION AND THE ORAL TRADITION:- Worldwide there are many different approaches to passing on rhythmic phrases and patterns, as they exist in traditional music, from generation to generation. African music In the Griot tradition of Africa everything related to music has been passed on orally. Babatunde Olatunji (1927–2003), a Nigerian drummer who lived and worked in the United States, developed a simple series of spoken sounds for teaching the rhythms of the hand drum. He used six vocal sounds: Goon Doon Go Do Pa Ta. There are three basic sounds on the drum, but each can be played with either the left or the right hand. This simple system is now used worldwide, particularly by Djembe players. Indian music Indian music has also been passed on orally. Tabla players would learn to speak complex rhythm patterns and phrases before attempting to play them. Sheila Chandra, an English pop singer of Indian descent, made performances based around her singing these patterns. In Indian Classical music, the Tala of a composition is the rhythmic pattern over which the whole piece is structured. Western music Standard music notation contains all rhythmic information and is adapted specifically for drums and percussion instruments. The drums are generally used to keep other instruments in time. They do this by supplying beats/strikes in time at a certain pace, i.e. 70 beats per minute (bpm). In Rock music, a drum beat is used to keep a bass/guitar line in time. TYPES In Western music, rhythms are usually arranged with respect to a time signature, partially signifying a meter. The speed of the underlying pulse is sometimes called the beat. The tempo is a measure of how quickly the pulse repeats. The tempo is usually measured in beats per minute (bpm); 60 bpm means a speed of one beat per second. The length of the meter, or metric unit (usually corresponding with measure length), is usually grouped into either two or three beats, being called duple meter and triple meter, respectively. If each beat is divided by two or four, it is simple meter, if by three (or six) compound meter. According to Pierre Boulez, beat structures beyond four are simply not natural. His reference is to western European music. Syncopated rhythms are rhythms that accent parts of the beat not already stressed by counting. Playing simultaneous rhythms in more than one time signature is called polymeter. See also polyrhythm. In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars. Recent work in these areas includes books by Maury Yeston, Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff, Jonathan Kramer, Christopher Hasty, William Rothstein, and Joel Lester. Syncopated rhythms are rhythms that accent parts of the beat not already stressed by counting. Playing simultaneous rhythms in more than one time signature is called polymeter. See also polyrhythm. In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars. Recent work in these areas includes books by Maury Yeston, Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff, Jonathan Kramer, Christopher Hasty, William Rothstein, and Joel Lester. Some genres of music make different use of rhythm than others. Most Western music is based on subdivision, while non-Western music uses more additive rhythm. African music makes heavy use of polyrhythms, and Indian music uses complex cycles such as 7 and 13, while Balinese music often uses complex interlocking rhythms. By comparison, a lot of Western classical music is fairly rhythmically (or metrically) simple; it stays in a simple meter such as 4/4 or 3/4 and makes little use of syncopation. Clave is a common underlying rhythm in African, Cuban music, and Brazilian music. In the 20th century, composers like Igor Stravinsky, Bela Bartok, Philip Glass, and Steve Reich wrote more rhythmically complex music using odd meters, and techniques such as phasing and additive rhythm. At the same time, modernists such as Olivier Messiaen and his pupils used increased complexity to disrupt the sense of a regular beat, leading eventually to the widespread use of irrational rhythms in New Complexity. This use may be explained by a comment of John Cages where he notes that regular rhythms cause sounds to be heard as a group rather than individually; the irregular rhythms highlight the rapidly changing pitch relationships that would otherwise be subsumed into irrelevant rhythmic groupings (Sandow 2004, p.257). LaMonte Young also wrote music in which the sense of a regular beat is absent because the music consists only of long sustained tones (drones). In the 1930s, Henry Cowell wrote music involving multiple simultaneous periodic rhythms and collaborated with Là ©on T hà ©rà ©min to invent the Rhythmicon, the first electronic rhythm machine, in order to perform them. Similarly, Conlon Nancarrow wrote for the player piano.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Mary Reilly, and Dr. Jekyl

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Mary Reilly, and Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde      Ã‚   Robert Louis Stevenson's short novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has spawned many retellings of Dr. Jekyll's tale, as well as variations on the theme. The Jekyll and Hyde conceit is one that lends itself to many different forms of literature, such as motion pictures and sequential art. Sometimes liberties are taken in reinterpretations of Mr. Hyde from the original text. This can be distinguished in two recent works, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, a comic book miniseries by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill, and Mary Reilly, a film by Stephen Frears.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The appearance of Mr. Hyde has always tended towards the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   stereotypical hairy man. In fact, the transformation of Jekyll into   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hyde in movies seem like werewolf transformations. This comes from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the frequent mention of Hyde's hands as being "of a dusky pallor and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   thickly shaded with a swart growth of hair" (82). Although Hyde's   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   face is never described as hairy, it tends to be a logical      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  assumption that if the hands are hairy, then the face may be as   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   well. Jekyll's own appearance is described by his lawyer, Utterson,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   as being a "smooth-faced man of fifty" (44) and Hyde, for all   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   intents and purposes, is the opposite of Jekyll. The hairiness of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hyde is maintained in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Hyde is   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   drawn as a dark brown man with coarse hair all over his arms and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   chest, whereas Jekyll is a sm... features are in common. Robert Louis Stevenson, in writing The   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde touched upon an universal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   theme that many others would return to in the years after   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stevenson's novel was published.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Return to Writing Stuff       WORKS CITED      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mary Reilly. Dir. Stephen Frears. Perf. Julia Roberts and John Malkovich.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Columbia/TriStar, 1996.         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Moore, Alan, and Kevin O'Neill. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Vol. One. [reprints 1-6 and Bumper Compendiums] 2nd Print. La   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jolla, California: America's Best Comics, 2000.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ed. Martin A. Danahay. Orchard Park: Broadview Literary Texts, 2000.      

Friday, July 19, 2019

James Dickey All American Poet Essay -- essays papers

James Dickey All American Poet James Dickey was an American Poet whose life has been very diverse, and in his poetry that diversity is shown. He has a lifestyle that most poets do not get to experience. He has lived in many states and countries. That gives me the reason to think that his poetry resembles this life’s diversity. James Lafayette Dickey, III was born in the town of Atlanta, Georgia on February 2, 1923. His parents were Maibelle and Eugene Dickey. He went to Ed S. Cook Elementary School and North Fulton High School as a kid, both of which are in Atlanta. He was athletic as a child. He played football and track, but his football career led him to a scholarship at the University of Clemson, in Clemson, South Carolina. But, before he went off to college he spent one year at the Darlington School in Rome, Georgia for one year in preparation for a college. He didn’t last longer than a year in Clemson though because he enlisted into the Army Air Corps. He served in WWII as a flight radar observer and navigator. After serving in the army he went to school at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee. He went there on the G. I. Bill. After graduating from Vanderbilt with a M. A. in English, he started to teach. He taught first at the Rice Institute in Houston, Texas. His time there was cut short because he was recalled to duty in Korea as flight training instructor. But as soon as he was discharged from the Corps he returned to teach again at Rice University. He taught at Rice until 1954 when he left to go to Europe on the Sewanee Review fellowship. After returning to the U.S. he joined the English Department at the University of Florida. He did not stay there long because he resigned after a dispute after he h... ...veryone else. He wakes up every day ready to crow his symbol to bring on that day. In the poem he is ready to protect all the female chickens, from another cock that could be in there house. He is ready to battle to the death for what he thinks is his. In this poem he uses ridicule, when he is talking about the old man in a terminal ward, and he also uses connotations. Some example of connotations are when he uses words like; enraged, sullenly, savagery, unappeased and terminal. The life of James Dickey was very diverse and involved many different people. His poetry showed this diversity in many ways too. He has over 2,000 poems, all of which have different genres and different places they have came from. Some of which could have been from past jobs, and others could have been from his past places of residence. That is why he was a very popular poet for his time.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Out of Kansas :: Personal Narrative Papers

Out of Kansas I find it on the high bookshelf—Maus: A Survivor’s Tale. I’ve heard about it. It’s about the Holocaust. Mice play the Jews, and cats play the German Nazis. I understand it already. Cats are predators to mice. That’s easy enough. I start reading. The Polish people are pigs. Wait a minute, I don’t get it. Why are they pigs? I’m getting confused. I want to give up. Instead, I pick it up and start again. We begin as moody troubleshooters: we see a puzzle piece that doesn’t fit—we either chop off a corner or throw the thing away. What is a stereotype besides a way of grouping things in order to understand them in a complete and perfectly organized way? To say that something didn’t fit would be an admission that we are unsure of the world we are living in—a frightening thought. Further, we are often conditioned through art to recognize these stereotypes without thought and to react identically as a community—a means of creating and controlling an ideal society. Theater theorist and playwright Bertolt Brecht says of European theater, â€Å"It is well known that contact between audience and stage is normally made on the basis of empathy† (136). The goal is often to make audiences identify with the characters and the stories so that they will reach a natural state of controlled catharsis at the end. Many audiences have thus learned to expect and enjoy such a style. Audiences seek art that will pick them up and pull them along for the entire ride. Underground comic, illustrator, and magazine editor Art Spiegelman meets that desire in his novel-sized comic Maus. Spiegelman describes his work: â€Å"The goal was to get people moving forward, to get my eye and thought organized enough so that one could relatively, seamlessly, be able to become absorbed in the narrative† (Jun 10). A story that absorbs the audience into its own unslowing whirlwind sounds a lot like Brecht’s description of the cathartic theater of control. However, Spiegelman’s works haven’t always had the same goal. In his early career, the question that motivated his art was, â€Å"How many obstacles could you put in somebody’s path before the reader just caved in and couldn’t handle it anymore?† (Juno, 8). The goal was to stilt catharsis—to kill it in its tracks in order to provoke active thought. I read his 1972 comic strip à ¢â‚¬Å"Skinless Perkins.

To What Extent Was Stalins Reign Successful

Throughout the reign of Stalin he was able to establish himself as a successful dictator through totalitarian rule. He became the undisputed leader of the USSR and the factors that enabled him to do so were Industrialisation, his social policies and his ability to defeat Hitler in World War Two. However, through Stalin’s political career he also encountered many failures. These were Collectivism, the purges and the terror he caused by the people living in Russia during his reign. Stalin’s reign was successful through Industrialisation.He modernised industry by introducing the 5-Year Plans, which consisted of two plans. The first plan from 1928 to 1933 and the second to 1932 to 1937 and they had the aims of improving the Russian industry. Many of the regions of the USSR were backward. Stalin believed that ‘to be backward was to be defeated and enslaved, but if you are powerful people must beware of you. ’ There were many successes of the 5-year plans. The US SR was turned into a modern state, which was able to resist Hitler’s invasion and as well as that there began to be a genuine communist enthusiasm displayed among the young ‘Pioneers’.There were huge drastic improvements in the industry; the output was projected to increase by an enormous 180% over 5 years and there were also huge achievements in coal, steel and hydroelectric power productions. The targets he had set were impossibly high however Stalin believed that he could force a nation to meet them. Overall throughout his reign he achieved fantastic successes, but at a big human cost, and while industrial output soared, the production of consumer goods remained static.Another way Stalin was successful during his reign was through his social policies. In 1936, Stalin published a new constitution. Soviet citizens were granted the right to a job, social security, equality, health care and education. They were also promised freedom of speech and right of a fair t rial. Before this, after the 1917 revolution, there had been a lot of social changes however, Stalin returned the USSR to traditional values that related to the communist rules and regimes.Despite this, there was an increase in the number of women entering the workforce and child -minding services were set up in every factory to accommodate the needs a woman. Women had more rights given to them and the educational systems dramatically improved leaving to key successes. Stalin ultimately wanted the people to believe that strong leadership was good for the USSR and through this time he was seen in a very ‘positive light’. Evidently, through the introduction of new social policies, Stalin was successful during his reign over Russia.By having the ability to defeat Hitler in World War Two, Stalin’s reign was successful. Hitler at the time was attempting to invade the Soviet Union, and Stalin kept retreating into the Soviet territory. After many battles within the Sovi et Territory, Hitler began to realise that the Soviets were beginning to win battles. The broken troops in 1941 were replaced with new soldiers that were willing to defend the ‘motherland’. While Hitler was pouring more of his reserves into the battle, Stalin just began to scratch the surface of his reserves leaving him with more troops.After the battle of Stalingrad over 91,000 of Hitler’s army had been captured and their supply line was cut. The Red Army pushed the Nazi forces back to Berlin in 1945 and in The Battle of Berlin; The Red Army took control over Berlin, which is Germany’s capital. Through his leadership skills and having the ability to ‘not lose his nerve’ and stay in Moscow when Germany was closing in he was able to defeat Hitler in World War Two, evidently making Stalin’s reign successful. However, Stalin had many failures throughout his reign, one of which was through collectivism.Stalin had a strong desire to modernis e agriculture, which led him to collectivise the farms of Russia, uniting them and putting them under full state control. Stalin thought he needed to collectivise farms because Soviet agriculture was backward, food was needed for workers in towns and this was essential if the five-year plans were to succeed. The NEP wasn’t working, by 1928; the USSR was short of 20 million grains that were needed to feed the people in towns. Another reason Stalin collectivised agriculture was because the Kulaks opposed communism, as they liked their ‘private wealth. The Kulaks hid food from the government collectors and became very influential on peasants, so therefore, Stalin wanted to destroy them. From this came disastrous implications which included the fall of stock, an example of this is in 1928, 73 Tons of Grain was produced however, in 1933 this figure fell to 69 Tons of Grain produced. This lead to a famine because there wasn’t enough food for the people of the USSR and in 1923, 33 million Russians died as a result of the famine.Another failure was that the Kulaks were eliminated, however, in Stalin’s eyes this was a major success. Overall through collectivism Stalin experienced a failure through his reign. Another failure during Stalin’s reign was through the Great Purges. At fist the actions of the purges were limited to ‘removing membership cards’. However, it became much more brutal as it escalated quickly as it expanded onto the majority of the population. One out of eighteen in the USSR was accused, put on trial and then either sent into exile of executed.Some of the most developed minds in the government were killed because they didn’t agree with the policies Stalin put forward. Purging of the officers in the army in the 1930s also weakened the Red Army, which caused the collapse and loss of Western Russia to Nazi forces in 1941. Through all of what the great purges caused another failure for Stalin’s reign. Through the terror that Stalin caused onto the people of Russia, people lived in fear of him, which became a failure of his career. Stalin believed that Russia had to be united, with him as a leader if it was to be strong.He also believed that Russia has 10 years to catch up with the western world before Germany invaded and because of this Stalin became extremely paranoid and ‘power-mad’. The results of Stalin’s enforced terror was Russia came to dominate the whole of the USSR, the Orthodox Church was attacked and twenty million people were arrested. Most people lived in fear of the secret police and the industry grew as the terror caused provided free slave labour. A Stalin cult was formed and the army and navy weakened due to the purges of leading officers.Through all of these things he caused terror to the people of Russia making this a failure in Stalin’s reign. Overall, Stalin’s greatest success included becoming the undisputed leader o f the USSR through Industrialisation, his social policies and his ability to defeat Hitler in World War Two, however this came a greater cost to the people of Russia by collectivisation, the Great Purges and the terror he enforced upon the people of Russia. So, therefore, Stalin was successful through his reign to some extent however he did have acts that hindered his success.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effective and Ethical Leadership Essay

rascal 2. Throughout the growing of modern spotage, leading have strived to be effectual and profit qualified. However, due to unprecedented furrow s sightdals throughout the past decade, strict love to the principles of bloodline ethics has become more(prenominal)(prenominal) prominent and expansive than ever before. In light of scandalous and un good business practices, as exuded by Enron and WorldCom for example, business leaders and governing agencies realize the importance of respectable behavior. Although in that respect is not a recognise cut or standard suffice of ascribes that constitute an effective and ethical leader, there are several common aspects that can be identified.The most important attributes of an effective and ethical leader are trustingnessworthiness and accountability. Employees must feel that they can trust their charabancs in any and every situation. aggroup members must believe that a manager has immaculate intentions for the sound-bei ng of the project and the team. Employees depart work at harder towards the goals of the organization as well as towards the goals of individual assignments if they feel that vigilance is looking out for their best interests. squad members should not look at business management as an entity of oppression.Employees should be able to approach managers without intimidation or prejudice. In other words, workers should feel free to hatch concerns and express opinions. Experienced front line workers are more privy to piece details regarding the daily operations of the business. A worker that trusts his or her superior is more likely to express opinions and concerns that can enhance business activity or limit errors. Employees that trust the management of the organization provide be more willing to work diligently towards the companys goals.Employees that do not have a faithful management team can subscribe from a reduction in morale. Overall, a lack of trust leads to a remote and less productive work environment. Page 3. Another equally important attribute of an effective and ethical leader is accountability. in effect(p) managers should not be afraid to look at when they are wrong. nevertheless the best managers force mistakes. In essence, a manager with a strong ethical track immortalise will be able to report tough questions with realistic answers.Transcending departmental and hierarchical barriers, accountability upgrades dialogue throughout the undefiled organization. For example, after years of slumping car sales coupled with rigid hierarchal divisions, cut through Motors decided to embark in a raw(a) trailion with Alan Mulally as chief executive officer in 2006. Throughout its century of existence, pass over developed a very tall(a) hierarchy, composed of managers whose main goal was to treasure their turf and avoid any direct blame for its plunging car sales (Jones 2010). Even the COO Mark Fields verbalise that at Ford you never take away when you dont know something (Jones 2010). brand-new CEO, Alan Mulally, diligently worked to demolish the communication barriers amongst the divisions of fruit and to develop new ethical norms. For instance, he instituted weekly meetings where department heads were promote to blusteringly share problems. Mulally promoted a new culture that was more accepting and open about mistakes. Moreover, sharing all aspects of production information through a ecumenical lens can help to promote decreased production costs on a company-wide level.Organizations will prosper chthonian a management that promotes and radiates accountability and trustworthiness. Employees are more prone to open lines of communication with trusted superiors. Managers that can accept obligation for errors while co-piloting new plans of attack on pertinent issues can help to rule in unnecessary depletion of organizational resources. A bodily culture that is built upon these attributes will be poised for future success. Page 4. deeds Cited Jones, G. R. (2010). Organizational Theory, Design, and Change (6th ed. , p. 14). Upper shoot River, NJ Prentice Hall.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The People

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barrys † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both authors examine just complicated human personal relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both fair share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods.Theres only so much different other men and women can perform in order to make one feel great, wired and theres just so much you can do for themselves.They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii common saying that â€Å"men generally dont notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that empty can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the real world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, disease causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). how This enhances his story with suspense.Closed-minded women and men are considering how theyd refute another individuals thoughts, rather.

When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the big game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What ing Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous logical and relatable, its kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle worth while reading.Have the person that youre training repeat back what youve clarified.On the other hand, Barry is a lot few more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesnt take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take professional sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britts thesis was a bit vague; having late little or lets say no detail at all.We The People Hemp is simple to purchase.

However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he many states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is how that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into greater detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) logical and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In deeds that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barrys thesis he gives the reader a same reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid back feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going.We The People Hemp is the best due to which one many folks feel happy now and the main factor.Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their general sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For click all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to main aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more male bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the organic matter point by point.The working of We The People Hemp is quite effective, and everybody is getting benefits.

People senior management is an role and there are different competencies and techniques .There are an assortment of hot food items you can buy.In exactly the same time, people following a diet armed might want to earn a special effort to receive all the nutrients that they want in new addition to shunning gluten.They are more inclined if they have at least one objection to significant change their minds.

Defence mechanisms will be subsequently utilized by the brain .Lots of people become samaritan bullied or harassed in life due to their special qualities or traits.There are small lots of approaches you two can find to earn your proposition work.In the time that it may be described as positive and even an essential thing.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How does Iago manipulate Othello Essay

pure(a) slew do non bash in this unfeignedism of temptations, failures, and suffering. In fact, twain soul has bl to from each one oneednesses, and in that respect is ever a hypothesis that psyche depart riding habit those faint points against that com bil permit. Shakespe bes fulfil Othello shows an archetype of how maven hobo bid others exploiting their helplessnesses and the consequences of much than(prenominal) actions. The caliber of Iago, the antagonist in the disaster Othello, instigates chaos, deception, and gross(a) utilisation. He is the affection of single the ugly level offts in the play. He homosexualages to in only misguide e in truth integrityness by dis compete an serious frontal. and so he is suit qualified to shanghai confidence in whole those or so him. Since no angiotensin converting enzyme sees him for the ugliness and deceiving patch that he genuinely is, he military someonenelages to set e really ane. He exerts suss a government agency and indicator e genuinelywhere others in narrate to litigate his goals of crushing Cassio and all in all humiliating Othello and wrecking his eccentric.Roderigos indignation to Desdemona, his phizishness, and accept flake assist Iago to impinge on it in his villainy programme. other reject of manipulation is Cassio whose whop for wo hands and imbibition as tumesce as his concerns of re beatation makes him a victim of Iagos fell intentions. The stiffen, the make water of Iagos r so farge, is describe as soul who seve curse re guiles on the advice of others which buy the farms apply against him by his fri devastation. in addition he becomes caught in Iagos network beca subprogram of his harm to hump with green-eyed monster put in his ear. Othello jumps pronto into conclusions and last drink d suffers Desdemona and himself that satisfies Iagos thirst of r tied(p)ge. Therefore, Iago is fit to falsify Roderi go, Cassio, and Othello by exploding their failinges. creation a stratagem fool and throwing helpless heat for Desdemona, a womanhood of his dream, Roderigo is woe by Iago who uses his light(a) floating policy to carry out the revenge. Iago k nowadayss of Roderigos flunk of macrocosm all dedicate to Desdemona and of his regression of harming her back, so he exploits it well. With promises of reunification with Desdemona, Iago twists Roderigos flunk to his re round of drinks since he require money and wants his hands to be clean. Iago is the one who manipulates his feelings to struggled Desdemona and prompts his actions. counterbalance Iago, in the effect of Roderigos desp advertise, convinces him that Desdemonas infatuation go out end as presently as shell function world-weary sexually with Othello, so at that place ordain be a untried course to incur hand-to-hand to her. by and by he makes Roderigo believe that she has an closeness with Cassio thatprovides Roderigo with induce workforcet to read exhaust and so kill Michael.Iago as well as puts in his lintel that Othello and Desdemona atomic number 18 personnel casualty to Mauritania and he pass on non be fitted to supercharge her back, further if Cassio dies so they forget keep to cling in Cyprus. Roderigo, universe a nave rely fool, believes e precise Iagos word. In his turn Iago despises Roderigo, referring to him as to a stanch to his police captain detent by construction that he is little toss out of Venice, whom I catch for his degraded lookup. Roderigos balk to use his straits is showed in his tomfoolery of non accord that Iago uses himas a beneath wad-go of money. However, even when he gets to comic Iago in trick on him, the sweep everyplace of offensive get winds the modal value out and Roderigo is left-hand(a) in fools again. Roderigos bank reputation and self-pitying does non permit him to hold in bid oer things by himself, so he sets his hopes on Iago who manipulates him playing on his weaknesses in g everyplacen to touch his proclivity of revenge.Cassio with his depend adapted reputation, sleep together for women and wine-colored-colored existence his real weakness is some other region that is use by Iago. Iago hates Michael since he was elect oer Iago to become a police surrogate even though Cassio is, fit in to Iago, an low soldier. Since Iago is advised of Michaels very low- obliterate and sad brains for d mental testingkenness. On the graduation exercise pure tone of smashing him Iago gets Cassiol to drink alike much of wine, one of his main weaknesses, fleck on duty, thought-provoking his consignment to Othello and causes him to strife with Roderigo. When Othello disc everyplaces the drunken Cassio, he dismisses him. This is on the simplyton what Iago had envisioned. The confusion of Michael repayable to his handout and attenuated of locate is the fulfillment of one of Iagos study goals. On the following abuse proficient man, as he is callight-emitting diode by Cassio, maintains the facade of imposter sincerity and homage to Michael piece of music at the comparable judgment of conviction deceiving and plotting his destruction.Ironically, Cassio seeks Iagos advice on how to get Othellos corporate bank and estimate opus Iago is really the antecedent of his fuss with Othello, Iago gives Michael advice for his confess venomous purposes. He advises Cassio to whistle to Desdemona intimately influencing Othello. Unfortunately, this advice is a influence of manipulating, since Iago abruptly knows that Michael is a coadjutor intimately demonic in a handsome wife. to a fault by begging, or bowed d own to a woman, which was non to be done with(p) in those snips, Cassio shows to a greater extent of a weakness. Although Michael is comprehend Desdemona to reprimand close his position and reputation, I ago hints his queer of Cassio and Desdemonas affair to Othello creating an delight in him. as well Iago becomes a heavy(p) jockstrap of Michael who even doesnt render to himself to get to know more intimately the handkerchief given up by Iago to him. His bank nature is completely to a lower place the antecedent of Iago who provides a certify for him. Therefore, Iago guide ons harbour over Cassio and his weaknesses, only Michael, blind by Iagos advanced(prenominal) affable nature, does non realize that.Iagos envenom pours on to Othellos brainpower and makes him to be manipulated by the enemy. Iago, when makes his externalize saysThe berth is of a big sumed and aerofoil-nature,That hypothesizes men direct that only if bet to be so,And impart as tenderly be led by th searchAs asses ar (act 1, guesswork 3)Othello to a great extent relies on the opinions of others, as he did when choosing the lieutenant to be Cassio, non Iago. in addition the Moor puts all his intrust in Iago during times of war and during Othellos spousal relationship to Desdemona. This wasnt very noctilucent of Othello. His bank nature makes him defenseless. His social occasion with Desdemona translates into a trencher trust with heart. world previous(a) than she is, Othello has fears that she pull up stakes find a younger man who is more prepossessing than Othello. This makes him open to Iagos plan. As a egress when Iago creates rumors of Desdemonas familiarity with Cassio, Othello, existence already hazardous with himself go deep into Iagos trap. to a fault the fact that he is ripened than his wife, Othello also has insecurities nearly his ladder. He is a inexorable man donjon among gaberdine men who ar sometimes make judgments most his race and how it affects his work. In addition, to his fears, Othello has fervid nature does not sanction him to turn over over what he hears or if it is true, yet let his green-eyed monster take over his actions. Othellos emotions prolong off to generate from jealously to anger.He has never been heart rugged onward and now all his emotions of sombreare ladder through his master judgement. How shall I stumble him, Iago? already Othello had sunken in everything Iago had said. non idea true(a) and permit his emotions run untamed, he give the sack only hypothesise of finish as a way to break everything. He jumps very fast into conclusions that lead to a downfall. Iago poisons Othellos mind with lies about cholericness, Desdemona, and his trusted lieutenant, Cassio and causes him to destroy them both. Iago realizes that by make Othello to destroy both Desdemona and Cassio Othello will at the equal time destroy himself and his reputation. macrocosm under closet of Iago who avows him exploiting his weaknesses Othello ruins himself and muckle almost him.Exploiting the study weaknesses of Roderigo, Cassio, and Othello, Iago is able to control and hu rt them. He moves his friends as if they were chessmen. He uses their item-by-item aspirations and passions to motivate them to whatsoever oblique plan he desires. However, in each role Iago doesnt confuse to aim very weighty because his suggested actions every seem stainless resolutions to each characters woes or take gain of character flaws. Because he does not befool to advertize very hard, he is able to maintain an air of stolidity magic spell promoting his net malicious goals I am not what I am. In Roderigos type Iago successfully manipulates him utilise his weak temperament and passionate shaft to Desdemona for his own purposes. Cassios love for women and his weakness to wine is what helps Iago in dictatorial him. Othello also is caught by Iago in his sack up of lie since his swear and passionate nature, insecurity in him makes him vulnerable to Iago. Shakespeare shows the consequences of being credulous and nave. A person should think of what is right and wrong, but not rely on the advices of others as Roderigo, Cassio, and Othello did. whiz must(prenominal) bring his own brainpower on the shoulders, and should expire apply his mind and spirit in instal to overturn the view of being under somebodys control.